Gary Wollenhaupt

Gary Wollenhaupt

Gary Wollenhaupt is a freelance writer specializing in planes, trains, automobiles, ships and other cool industrial stuff. People have been paying him to put the right words in the right order since 2003.

Articles by Gary Wollenhaupt

What Are the Different Types of Auto Loans?

Car buyers have several choices in types of car loans for financing their next vehicle purchase. Some are more common than others, but it’s helpful... read more

5 Reasons Savvy Car Buyers Choose Short-Term Car Loans

Short-term car loans make good financial sense if you can afford them. You’re choosing to pay less in total interest in exchange for a higher... read more

Can You Return a Car After Signing?

No matter what the window sticker or the salesperson says, you should be happy with the vehicle you’re buying and understand the financing you’re getting.... read more

Buying a Car Without a Title

A car title is a legal document that shows who owns a vehicle. It’s illegal in many states to sell a car without a title... read more

How to Sell a Car When You Still Have a Loan

If you’re still making payments on your car but are ready to sell it, you may be wondering how to sell a car with a... read more

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